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Tuesday March 11, 2025

EM Rao Book Release 1AP Bureau,


Bhubaneswar: Industrial Jurisprudence: A Critical Commentary, 2nd Edition (2015), authored by DR. EM Rao, Professor – Personnel Management & Industrial Relations, XIMB, was formally released by Fr. Paul Fernandes, Vice Chancellor of Xavier University at a function held in the campus on Monday.


This work is the first-of-its-kind in the world so far as its comprehensive nature and coverage of the entire field of labour law. The author has subjected several important decisions of the High Courts and the Supreme Court to critical analysis with reference to judicial precedents and also the international trends prevailing, particularly, in UK, USA and Australia, while at the same time highlighting analogies and drawing comparisons with other branches of law such as civil law, criminal law, etc.


This is a standard reference book for the Judiciary at all levels, Practicing Advocates, Personnel/HR & Industrial Relations Professionals and Government Labour department Officials, Academics in Law, Students of law in general and of labour law in particular. It is a valuable addition to the libraries of Universities, Law Colleges and B-Schools teaching HRM/PMIR.


The event was attended by Fr. Paul Fernandes, Vice Chancellor of Xavier University, Fr. Antony Uvary, S.J., Registrar, Xavier University, Prof. Snigdha Pattnaik, Dean, Xavier School of Human Resource Management, other faculty members, administrative staff and the students.

March 11, 2015 • No Comment