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ImgBy Sandeep Pattnaik


Bhubaneswar, 23 March:       Consortium & cluster approaches can address the issues confronted by the beleaguered MSME sector, Chief Secretary Gokul Chandra Pati said during a workshop on ‘Make in India- Role of MS&MEs’ held here on Monday.


The workshop was organized under the joint aegis of World Trade Center, Dept of MS&ME- Govt of Odisha, Ministry of MS&ME, Govt of India and State Bank of India.


Consortiums can exploit wider marketing opportunities, augment skilled manpower and hire professional expertise for management and technical upgradation of their enterprises, Pati said.


The State Government has taken into hand several measures like single window system service, easing the regulatory burdens on the MSMEs etc to relieve the sector, he added.


Pati gave a call to industrial associations and commercial chambers to join the efforts of the Govt in identification and development of product specific clusters. Chief Secretary also asked the Banks to adopt Joint Liability Group ( JLG) methods and Credit Guarantee Scheme of the Govt. for financing the MS&MEs.


“Synergy between State and Central Govt initiatives for furthering the interests of MS&MEs besides, bringing about innovations and establishment of incubation centers have started yielding results,” Union Secretary, Ministry of ME&MEs Sri Madhavlal said attending the workshop.


Secretary MS&ME Govt of Odisha, Panchanana Das stressed on mobilizing banks for more liberal credit delivery to MS&MEs, which accounts for around 80% of the export from non-mineral sector.


Vijaya Kalantri, Vice-Chairman World Trade Center, Bhubaneswar, Ravindranath , CMD, NSIC, Krishna Mohan Trivedi, CGM, State Bank of India and M. Chandra Sekhar Reddy, Director General , National Institute for MS&ME, Hyderabad spoke on the occasion on Finance to MS&ME sector and Skill Development Programmes for MS&MEs.

March 23, 2015 • No Comment