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Wednesday March 12, 2025



Dr. P. K. Misra


Cancer control has always posed a great challenge before medical science. Over the years there are many advancement in this field, specifically for better diagnosis & effective treatment. In spite of all these the results with prevention is always the best. For this dreaded disease the proverb “PREVENTION IS BETER THAN CURE” holds good. The present research is going over worldwide to check it at cellular level by identifying the mutant gene responsible for it. The author has also undertaken the pioneer research work in collaboration with medicine dept. of IMS/BHU. We have become successful in discovering one abnormal genome in Breast cancer patients, about 60 number Ca Breast patients undertaken treatment by the author in 2012. In year 2013 the international institution, National Institute of Health, USA registered the mutant genome & issued patent certificate to our research team. This is certainly a great breakthrough in our search for reason for cancer. Further, we are looking for any change in cancer mutation by altering/rectifying this abnormal gene. In my topic I shall cover present status of gene therapy for cancer control.


All cancers are caused by changes to material in our bodies called “Genes”. These are units of information in every cell of our bodies. Genes tell our body which proteins to make based on the type of cells and its needs, some genes can repair cells or tell cells when to stop growing and die if there is too much damage to repair.


When genes themselves are damaged, they can develop changes called “MUTATION”. When mutations occur in the damage controlling gene cells, cell will grow out of control & cause cancer.


For most people who develop cancer, the cancer causing gene mutation happen over a course of a life time, leading to cancer in later life, some persons are borne with gene mutation that they inherited from their mother or father. This damaged gene put them at higher risk for cancer than most other people. When cancer occurs because of an inherited gene mutation, it is referred to as “Hereditary Cancer”. Examples- It occurs in


Hereditary Cancer syndromes-


Breast/Ovary Cancer


Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer (HDGC)


Familial Adenomatus Polyposis


Multiple Endocrine Neoplasm (Men) & Other Cancer Syndrome.


Early diagnosis of Cancer by gene Analysis- It discovers the cancer cell before it becomes malignant and gives you the opportunity to prevent the cancer. Gene analysis is the programme to diagnose the “Risk of Cancer” that accumulates by the acquired elements (Life Style, Life environment, Stress, Aging etc.) If the acquired elements are the cause of cancer, there is a high possibility to prevent the cancer before it gets malignant by improving life style, check environment factors, adding supplement & immunotherapy.


Genetic therapy has proven effective even in established cancer like-


Lungs cancer               Pancreatic cancer                   Liver cancer


Breast cancer               Stomach cancer                       Liposomal cancer


Esophagus Cancer     Periosteal Cancer


Medical Science has further advanced in preventing Occurrence of cancer running in family even before conception. The Procedure is known as embryo screening, which can predict which embryo is at risk of developing cancer in later part of life, since affected individual remains healthy until the onset of disease, frequently in fourth decade of life. Considering the high probability of developing the disorder and the potential cure rate, such procedure should be ethically acceptable. For example BRC1 mutation which predisposes individual to lethal Breast cancer, the PGD out come is not clear. Legal & ethical issues always come before accepting PGD as a diagnostic tool for cancer prediction in upcoming baby & to follow medical termination as preventive step.


Several approaches to gene therapy are being tested:


(i)             Replacement of mutated gene, that causes disease.


(ii)           Inactivating a mutated gene that is functioning improper.


(iii)          Introducing a new gene to body to help fight disease.


These genes are delivered by vector/carrier in to person’s cell. These vectors are two types:


(1)  Viral Vector


(2)  Non-viral vector


Viruses have evolved a way of encapsulating and delivering their gene to human cells. Scientists have harnessed this ability by manipulating the viral genome to remove disease causing gene and insert the therapeutic gene. Target cells such as liver, lungs cells of patient get infected with vector. The vector unloads its genetic material containing human produce functional protein, which restore target cell to a normal state.


At present there are news of breakthrough achievement in cancer genetics. It will not be too far when genetic therapy can prevent the occurrence of cancer. That will be the highest blessings to mankind.




The author is now working as SENIOR CONSULTANT




MOBILE: 7894430598



July 15, 2015 • No Comment