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photoBy Sandeep Pattnaik


Bhubaneswar, 5th Nov 2015: With NAMO’s much touted flagship ‘Make in India’ campaign on roll, a 2-day long Industrial Relations Conference on “Make-in India Initiatives and Changing Paradigms of Industrial Relations” was held Xavier School of Human Resource Management (XSHRM), organized by Xavier University Bhubaneswar here.


It was a National Level IR Summit aimed to stimulate discussions between the student community and industry personnel by giving students a new perspective on existing and emerging industrial situations.


The two day event witnessed panel discussions focusing on the key issues of Re-positioning of IR in the context of ‘Make-in-India’ Initiative, Labour Reforms, Problems of Handling Disciplinary Issues of Contract Labour, Contractualisation of Managerial Personnel and various other related issues, spread across different sessions.


Former Chief Justice of Supreme Court of India, Justice Gopal Ballav Patnaik was the key note speaker and inaugurated the conference by emphasizing on the significance of industrial relations and showcasing the journey of industrial relations from its formative years, through the pre-independence years, the post-independence and what Industrial Relations means in today’s India.


He urged that to boost the Indian economy, industrial harmony is a must which can happen through continuous amendments in the present labour legislations. “To craft the ‘Make in India’ initiative a success there should be predictability, transparency and essence of feeling among the stakeholders. This will inculcate a sense of participation in decision and policy making”, he said.


Justice Patnaik applauded the conference on IR, organized by XIMB as a step forward towards the changing paradigm of IR in India. Further he hoped this conference will bring in new thoughts and add to the vision of ‘Make in India’.


Many other dignitaries also shared their thoughts on the two-day conclave.

December 7, 2015 • No Comment