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pressBy Sandeep Pattnaik


Bhubaneswar, 24.02.2016: Education and Healthcare sector has a vital role to play in the process of Bhubaneswar becoming a ‘Smart City’, as it is fast emerging as an educational and medical hub in eastern and north-east India.


This was revealed by Dr. Tapan Kumar Chand, CMD Nalco at the Industry-Institution Interaction programme held simultaneously at Orissa Engineering College (OEC), SOA University and NM Institute of Engineering & Technology here on Wednesday.


“While Odisha has been bracketed with the best in the ‘ease-of-doing-business’ index, there is a great need to further this growth trajectory through concerted efforts from all sectors. In this regard, the role of educational institutions is very significant,” Dr. Chand said. “The entire Odisha is dotted with more than 450 engineering, medical & management colleges, diploma & ITI institutes, to source skilled manpower. NALCO has plans to boost the education potentials of the place and has developed a road map to step up premier educational institutions of Odisha to global standards,” Dr. Chand added.


“Every year, 5000 burn-cases are reported in various hospitals of Odisha, including IMS & SUM Hospital, where state-of-the-art facilities are available at affordable charges”, said Prof. Dr. Rajeev Ahuja, President, International Society for Burn Injuries & HOD, Department of Burns & Plastic Surgery, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, who was the chief speaker in the programme organized by the hospital.


In turn, Nalco has decided to adopt one girl child, a severe burn victim (who was cured successfully at the SOA Burn Centre & Skin Bank), under the company’s CSR scheme ‘Nalco ki Ladli’. Besides, the company, in association with SUM Hospital, State Govt’s Fire Wing and Rotary Club of Temple city, shall conduct programmes to spread awareness for treatment and management of burn victims along with their rehabilitation and resettlement.

February 29, 2016 • No Comment