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in bBy Sandeep Pattnaik


Bhubaneswar 22nd Aug 2016: Around thirty potential investors are about to participate in the proposed Make In India Conference, scheduled to be held on 1st and 2nd of December in the current year.


Chief Secretary Aditya Prasad Padhi held a discussion to this effect with Sri Johnson, President of India China Trade & Culture Centre and S.K. Roy, Commerce Secretary Indian Consulate, Sanghai here on Monday. Dr Sarat Kumar Sahoo, Chairman Odisha Industry Federation was also present on the occasion.


Being encouraged by new IPR policy and ‘ease of doing business environment’ introduced in Odisha, Johnson expressed his willingness to participate in the forthcoming Make in India Conference with a group of investors.


Investors from the sectors like light engineering, electronic products and food processing might join the meet in December, according to official release. Padhi advised them to send a list of the companies and industries in advance so that collaboration and matchmaking with local entrepreneurs could be made in advance and their participation would be more outcome oriented.

August 23, 2016 • No Comment