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B P Samantray


Bhubaneswar, 3rd Sept 2016:  The State Government has proposed to construct around 451 kms of coastal high way under Bhratmala Pariyojana along the coastal line of Odisha. Under the plan, NHAI will make aesthetically and environmentally compatible roads in consultation with Forest and CRZ authorities. It will boost the tourism and port based industrial activities in the State.


Presently the proposed road proceeds through Chhatraput – Satapada, Konark- Astaragnga- Nuagaon-Paradeep–Ratanpur-Satabhaya-Dhamara-Basudevpur-Talapada-Chandipur-Chandaneswar –Digha. Out of the total length of 451 kms around 29 kms come under Ganjam district, 153 kms come under Puri district, 54 kms come under Jagatsinghpur, 49 kms under Kendrapara, 61kms under Bhandrakh ,  99kms under Balasore district and 6 km connecting east Medinipur in West Bengal. More than 178 villages in all these districts would be connected by the road. There would bridges over river Rushikulya, Palur sahib canal, Chilka lake, river Dhanikhiya, Nua,  Khushabhadra, Kadua, Devi, Hansua, Mahanadi, Gobari, Patashala, Brahmani, Baitarani, Mantei, Panchapara, Dubdubi and  Subarnarekha . Besides, bypasses would be constructed near  Bajrakote, Maludkhas, Brahmagiri, Rebana Nuagoan, Konark, Gagua, Jarimul, Gula, Basudevpur, Anantapur, Gopalpur, Rasalpur and Panchupali .  The road would provide a boost to tourism and industrial activities in the region. It would also serve a high way linkage to all ports in the State.


So far 2 expert consultants have been engaged for preliminary survey and preparation of the DPR. In the meanwhile preliminary survey has been done and preliminary alignment of the road has been suggested. Detail Project reports are expected to be completed by Feb, 2017.

September 5, 2016 • No Comment