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B P Samantray


Bhubaneswar (15.Sep.2016): Indian Ex-Services League (IEL) Odisha has objected the formula for calculating one rank one pension (OROP) for the defence personnel, fixed by the Defence Account Department (DAD) of the Union Government. The IEL has submitted a memorandum to the\r\nGovt. of India appointed commission to this effect to remove the anomalies in the OROP scheme, according to an official release.


The Govt. has appointed an One Man Judicial Commission (OMJC) headed by Justice L Narasimha Reddy, former Chief Justice of Patna High Court, to address the issue. After interacting with Armed Force veterans in 17 States, Justice Reddy has arrived in Bhubaneswar on Thursday, to listen the Veterans of Odisha over the anomalies arising on One Rank One Pension. Around 26 lakhs defence pensioners including the Veer naris are in resentment.


The Memorandum was submitted by Veteran POR (Spl) Bidyadhar Nayak, General Secretary of Indian Ex-Services League Odisha.


As per the OROP table, the Defence Account Department (DAD) has taken their own made formula that is the average of Minimum and Maximum of pension drawn by the pensioners in between Jan and Jun 2013.

September 16, 2016 • No Comment