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Sunday March 9, 2025

ParibartanOn March 31, 2018 ‘Paribartan’ Single Window inaugurated at Palashapalli with the collaboration CFAR and SAKHA, where 200 above Kinner and Most vulnerability community were present. The Invited guest Sj. Antanayarayan Jena, Honourable Mayor Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation, Mr. Nitin Chandra, Prinicpal Secretary, SSEPD, Ms. Mansi Nimbhal, Director, SSEPD, Mrs. Mahamayee Swain, Corporator, Ward No.53 and Mr. Sanjay Sethi, Corporator, Ward No. 12 were present. Ms. Meghana welcomed to the participants, The program was inaugurated by Chief Guest Sj. Antanayarayan Jena, Honourable Mayor, Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation, and guest setting up the single window and lighting the lamp by dignitary guest. Mr. Samir, CFAR shared the priorities and needs of transgender and person with disability communities and also shared the next step of single window.

Hon’ble Mayor, Mr. Ananta Narayan Jena addressed Key note in which he clearly mentioned about t giving the identification who have not any ID proof. About our finding on sanitation he committed and instructed to Community Organiser to inclusion in IHHL, way out to work together, different schemes available to access for these community, and also insisted for providing a list of the people who are not getting the schemes, so that he would find out a solution to help these people. He appreciated CFAR’s work and asked us to work along with BMC for the welfare of the community. He suggested to formation a committee who is liaising/coordination with all departments for strengthen the single window activities.

The programme was very effective and fruitful. It has succeeded in bringing up some commitments and recommendations from the BMC officials by Mayor and the SSEPD Department-Secretary & Director present Mr. Nitin Chandra, Principal Secretary SSEPD, very much appreciated and pointed our findings on person with disability issues and assured to short out immediately and suggested us to we can sit together to making a plan of action. Ms. Mansi Nimbhal, Director, SSEPD appreciated for the initiative and said the single window very much helpful for our department. Also saw the Aadhar setup at single window. She proposed also for internet facility in the single window because many applications are applying through online. Mrs. Chinmayee Panda, community organiser BMC Committed to regular visit to the single window Ms. Meera introduce the pink colour (as known transgender colour) file as special of ‘Paribartan’ Single Window and requested to Mayor and SSEPD officials to speed up action when get the pink colour application file.

Mamata Singh, Vote of Thanked to all the guest and participants making the program success.

April 2, 2018 • No Comment