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Madhusudan MishraMadhusudan Mishra joined civil service in 1991. He is now serving as Collector of Koraput. In a tete-a-tete with Brahmi Priya Samantaray, he highlighted certain challenges facing Koraput and the interventions taken to mitigate such challenges during his tenure.

Interviewed by : Brahmi  Priya Samantaray and Sandeep Pattnaik


Please describe your job experience as Senior OAS Officer.

An OAS officer of Senior Cadre is normally saddled with jobs of onerous responsibility. As a Senior Officer in this cadre, I have functioned in the capacity of Sub-Collector in two districts, Project Director, DRDA in 3 districts and now have been discharging my duty as Collector, Koraput. Basically, my job in above capacity has been people-centric, development oriented and overall enhancing the living standard of impoverished mass. Working with people for a common goal imbibes a sense of job satisfaction.

Koraput though rich in natural resources also exposed to many challenges. How you have dealt with those issues?  

The main challenges here are Hilly terrains resulting in inaccessibility, paucity of drinking water, poor electrical connectivity, low literacy level, child marriage concept, educational infrastructural shortcomings, malnutrition, access to institutional delivery and overall health aspect of society, besides in addition to LWE challenges.

As a part of intervention in livelihood sector with eco-friendly approach we are trying to bring more and more area under Coffee cultivation with round pepper which necessitates plantation of silver oak trees. To reduce inaccessibility, we have taken giant steps in providing connectivity mainly focusing bridges, culverts out of schemes like SCA, DMF, CSR funds and through regular schemes of line departments like R&B and RD Department even suitably converging under MGNREGS. To provide increased facility for institutional delivery so as to reduce MMR & IMR, we have focused on Maa Gruha concept, introduction of Bike-ambulance and inculcating as sense of dedicated approach in Asha Karmees, Angarwadi Workers and ANMs. Educational infrastructure like additional class room, electricity and drinking water are also being focused out of extra-budgetary resources like SCA, DMF & CSR fund. Apart from focused intervention from RWS&S department on providing drinking water, we are also supplementing it from SCA (Special Central Assistance) through Solar enabled dual pumps in inaccessible pockets. Similar strategy is being adopted in case of non-electrified pockets by tapping solar energy from SCA & DMF.

Naxalism is a serious matter of concern in south Odisha including Koraput since longWhat is the scenario now?

LWE threat although was a menace before some years, it is now in a subdued scale due to continuous and constant preventive measures adopted by BSF, SOG, CRPF and State Police working in tandem.

How the district is poised for the industrial development being endowed with abundant mineral resources?

Of late two major minerals i.e. Bauxite Mines are operational in district–(1) Panchapatmali (NALCO) & Kodingamali (OMC). Other minerals are also being explored to boost the industrial growth of the state at large.

Your dreams for Odisha…please share.

I want to see Odisha as a pioneer state with availability of Health & Education facility to all including access to safe drinking water, good connectivity and electricity.

My dream is to see Odisha- a State free from corruption where the people’s voice holds supreme.

Your other interest areas…

I am a sports lover. Lover of Nature at its pristine purity. Also being a student of English literature loves drama, novels and poems.

Your ideal...

I subscribe the message of Swamy Vivekananda for the youth of Odisha, “Arise, Awake and stop not till the Goal is achieved”.

Do you think enough has been done regarding women empowerment in Odisha?

Yes, empowerment has certainly crept into the women mass in general which can be best seen in political, social and job related sector. 50% seat reservation in PRI Election, 33% job reservation in State Government sector as well as educational institutions and rise of WSHGs although have contributed to women empowerment, it is not adequate. Much needs to be done in bringing a real change in mindset of society towards women.

No perceptible change is noticed in the minds of male counterpart towards women in not treating them as enjoyable stuff for which Nirvayas are succumbing to the bestial hunger of sex-maniacs. It requires more punitive judicial pronouncements like capital punishment to curb such heinous crime.

Dowry prohibition Act seems like a toothless tiger. Even this is rampant in highly educated societies. Female foeticide is a slur in the name of humanity.

Much needs to be done regarding obviate Child Marriage. Age old ritual, illiteracy among tribals of Koraput resulting in high child marriage rate. Of late we have launched “APARAJITA”—a crusade against child marriage in Koraput to give a death-knell to such ignominious practice.

December 17, 2019 • No Comment